Attending Attention

Artistic Research
Jhor van der Horst

keywords: dance improvisation, posthumanities, practice-based research, pedagogy, Deleuze & Guattari.


For 10 days, I will attend to 10 seminal texts associated with the materiality turn and the posthumanities, following the underneath schedule (subject to circumstantial changes):
  • 09:00-10:00 --- Skim entire book or article, and select one seminal passage
  • 10:00-10:30 --- Meditate on seminal passage (aka re-read paragraph or page)
  • 11:15-11:45 --- Bike to rehearsal (aka thinking time)
  • 12:00-18:30 --- Dance with materialist paragraph/page during rehearsal
  • 20:30-21:00 --- Write down daily reflections
  • 21:00-21:30 --- Devise a dance score relating to the reflection
  • 21:30-22:00 --- Read literature reviews, and select text for next day
The selected passages and related reflections will be compiled here. In addition to documenting the daily process, I will also create a public presentation. This presentation will include a verbal summary of the learned lessons as well as a short demonstration of me dancing with these lessons and resulting scores. The presentation will be shared during the allocated Core Module 3 class time in the first week of February.

Author Note

Jhor van der Horst is a Master’s student in Artistic Research at the University of Amsterdam (predominantly white, Northwestern European, anglophone). Previously, he completed a Bachelor’s in Art & Archaeology at Princeton University. In this context, he lived in New Jersey (USA) between 2015 and 2020. Apart from this, he has lived in the Netherlands for all his life. He is fluent in English and Dutch. Influenced by conservatory training in ballet and American postmodern dance, much of his research focuses on embodiment and performativity. Besides Bachelor’s award money and occasional pay for dance projects, he has not received (structural) financial support for his art and research practices. He had an upper-middle class upbringing. He is white and identifies as a queer cis man.

While conducting this research, van der Horst receives a full-time living wage for his work as a performer on choreographer Ton Bogotaj’s production SPILL. Besides this, van der Horst does not receive any funding for this research.
